Variable Definition Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to enter the values for the workbook and project variables that you have defined on the Metrics tab.

Workbook Tab

Use this tab to enter values for the workbook variables. The metrics may include both field and value variables. You can add or edit variables using the Metrics tab Variables view. The variables listed below are those that come standard with Acumen.

Field/Option Description
Duration Upper Limit Enter the value that defines the duration upper limit. Activities with durations greater than this value will be flagged as high durations.
Float Upper Limit Enter the value that defines the float upper limit. Activities with floats greater than this value will be flagged as high durations.
EV Method Select the field that defines the EV method and the value for the EV method that defines the LOE value. The available values depend on the selection in the first field.
Rolling Wave Select the field that defines rolling wave and the value for the rolling wave that defines the planning package. The available values depend on the selection in the first field.
IMP Field

Select the activity field that identifies the IMP values.

The Integrated Master Plan (IMP) is a level above the schedule and looks like a set of summary activities. An IMP includes events and accomplishment criteria. Activities in the schedule include a code field so that you can see which activities are part of the IMP.

Cobra MSP EVT Since Microsoft Project activities don't have an Earned Value Type (EVT) on the activity. Select the field in Microsoft Project that has the performance measurement technique. Next select that values that you've used for, for example, LOE or Milestones. The defaults are the values that Cobra uses.
RiskMitigation Select the field that defines risk mitigation and the value that defines risk activity.
Schedule Margin Tasks

Select the field that defines a schedule margin and the value in that field that identifies the schedule margin task.

Schedule margin is used to manage schedule contingency, similar to float. You add schedule margin tasks ahead of key milestones so that they act as buffers. You can reduce their duration to give yourself more time without the schedule slipping.

Project Tab

After you define the project variable on the Metrics tab, you can add the value for each project or snapshot. You can either enter them here or on the S1 // Projects Activity Details Pane Project Variables tab. One advantage of entering them here is that you can see the trend over time.

The project variable name ties it to the metric ID and the x or y value. When you click on a variable, you can see the variable description at the bottom of the dialog box.

These values need to be entered for the manual metrics that are part of the EVAS metric template to report correctly.

All manual project variables that have no value default to -1 or -1%, essentially "no value." When you run diagnostics (S2 // Diagnostics tab), manual EVAS metrics display a -1 value or a -1% (percentage) in gray on the Ribbon Analyzer to indicate that they have not been evaluated.